Sunday, July 15, 2007

An Interesting Conversation

This is random, but I wanted to share with you what I go through on a pretty regular basis with my mother. The following is a conversation I had with her a few days ago over a quick/light dinner of "Gorton's fish sticks". For any of you that don't already mother is not quite right. She suffers from severe depression, and a bunch of other things. If one were to ask me, "What type of mood has your mother been in for the past 26 years?" I would say. "Menopausal!" I moved in with her recently to try to help out with a few things (the house is a "Sanford & Son" mess), and to keep a closer eye on her.

Let me set the scene. I've stopped cleaning and come into the kitchen to grab some fish sticks. She's already got a few on her plate, and she's also eating cold corn with tomatoes in it.

Me: Hey mom, you want some ketchup?

Her: No.

Me: Okay..... (looking at her plate, and those dry ass fish sticks) you sure? I already got it out right here.

Her: No.....I already got ketchup on my plate right here (pointing to one of the tomatoes).

Me: No. You don't have ketchup, you have a tomato there. (I'm almost laughing at this point, because I can tell that the conversation is going nowhere good, fast. In general she doesn't like to talk to me, but this day I just couldn't resist messing with her.) "And what is that anyway? (referring to the corn and tomatoes) That looks nasty.

Her: Corn and tomatoes! It's good.

Me: It looks like it taste nasty. Must be an old folks thing.


Me: (chirping cricket sound)*after a couple minutes of silence.*

Me: (noticing that her hair is wet) Did you want me to blow dry your hair for you?

Her: No thank you. It's too hot in this house I'll do it on the side of the house later.

Me: You'll do what??????

Her: Blow dry my hair...... outside....... I've done it before.

Me: You're not serious are you? (kind of' laughing) You didn't do that, did you?

Her: Yeah, right over there (pointing towards the side of the house, still eating cold corn and tomatoes). It's too hot to do that inside!

Me: I could turn the A.C. on. (At this point I’m thinking "Dang! you just got to give the neighbors something else to talk about huh!)

Her: NO! People in north Philly do it all the time. They do worse then that. Braiding hair and relaxing hair all on the front porch! (She's pissed now)

Me: *eating my fish sticks. 2 minutes of silence pass*


Me: What.......nothing.

Her: Oh, I thought I heard you say something smart.........You didn't say anything?

Me: No.

Her: You didn't say anything?

Me: No, but I was thinking something real hard.

Her: Oh (sitting back down in her chair). I thought I heard you say something.

Me: UhhhhhhhhhhNo!

Ahhhhh, Family dinners. Don't know why this makes me laugh so hard whenever I think about it. Really, she was about to go animal kingdom on my ass. Sometimes she just snaps and gets all dominant female on me. Usually whenever she feels threatened I suppose. Guess we got off on the wrong foot or something after the whole birth.....ere I mean cold corn and tomatoes thing. The whole scene was crazy-funny to me.



Unknown said...

I'm sorry in advance for laughing...just reminded me too much of conversations with my grandma...

Have a good one!

anonymousnupe said...

Yeah, I'm sorta laughing, too. But are you absolutely sure your momma hasn't been jerking your chain for 26 years? That would be brilliant. The ultimate practical joke! BABY, I GOTCHOO GOOD! YOU THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY. AAAAHHHH. I GOTCHOO, MAN!!! MEMBA DAT TIME I SAID "MEXICANS EAT IT"? THE EXPRESSION ON YOUR FACE AND THE CHIRPING CRICKETS WERE CLASSIC! AAAHHHHH!

(Oh, do me a favor, please: e-mail me at I need to axe you to re-touch a certain comment on a certain blog so that I can make it "live, please." Thanks, dawg.)

Unknown said...


I think we all have crazy stories to tell of our dealings with our mothers. For some reason when we women get to a certain age it seems to know longer be mother and daughter it becomes me and her...but I ain't gone lie that was a funny story.

Many Blessings.

thea said...

"I was thinking something real hard." oh that's gold.

Nic said...

@ black mamba,
Hey girl. No apologies needed. You know I love to make y'all laugh.

@ snupe,
That would be the funniest/most damaging prank of all times. I sent you a test e-mail. Let me know if you got it, a'ight!

@ awtk,
I was thinking about doing a mom post once a week. She is the weirdest person I know. Thanks for the blessings.

@ thea,
Couldn't hold that one in, ;)

Keelah said...

Bwahahahhahaahah! Girl! You know mamas can hear yo thoughts. My mother is the same way! I try and make her think she was crazy...cuz I KNOW I didnt say it out loud...but I'm thinking some smart shit...EVERY TIME!!!!

Shai said...

I am sorry for laughing too. I will say a prayer for you cause it has to be hard at times.

Miss Snarky Pants said... I tried to stifle it but I just couldn't LOL.

Shyt...on a serious note, ya momz sounds perfectly fine to me!!

You see how she was ready to be all up in dat @ss if you said something slick?? LOL

Girl here's a few words of advice: Don't you go sleepin' on ya mama.

Shoot I tell the kids all the time "you ain't never too old for me to put foot to [fill in the blanks here]" :-)

dcsavvystar said...

I kind of giggled too - but you know what, we have alll experienced this with someone we love. I am glad that you can accept her position with humor.

Miz JJ said...

You have a good attitude about it all.

Rose said...

Well you gave me a good laugh though I wasn't laughing at mom but at the conversation. Even though my own mom is not bi-polar, depressed or otherwise, I go through conversations like these ocassionally. Make you think- are parents just pulling our legs for real?

JustMeWriting said...


anonymousnupe said...

Gosh, JMW! And I always thought you were so sweet.

Nic said...

@ keelah,
I can’t wait till I have kids. Then I can have “Mommy Powers”!

@ shai,
Thanks for the prayers sis :)

@ ms. Behaving,
You…….stifle??? LOL! Girl I wish you could have seen it. You would have been on the floor!

@ dcsavvy,
Gotta’ laugh to keep from crying right?

@ miz jj,
I’m trying.

@ rose,
hey lady, glad I could give you a good chuckle :)

@ jmw,

@ anonymousnupe,

hottnikz said...

somebody already said what I was thinking...she probably can read your thoughts.

*Tanyetta* said...

mexicans eat it! OMG! i like her! haha...