Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Well the next few post will be a series of my unfortunate events.

Sunday 2:00am a drunk driver hit the sh!t out of my car. I had just parked it in front of the house. My new neighbor (some young married dude) held the driver for close to 45 minutes while we were waiting for the police. Unfortunately things got sticky when the passenger of that vehicle came back for his buddy, and helped him make a dash. The cops came 5 minutes later. I can't believe my luck sometimes!

Anyway, both officers were very nice. There was a black male in an unmarked, and a black female in a regular police car.

My favorite moment of the night had to be after the drunk offered us a measly $200.00 to let him go. The neighbor looks at my mom, and says.... "Do you want me to let him go?" mom says "no" then he says "Sorry, can't let you go then." And then he says real nice-like, "You're lucky you didn't hit my car.........I'd probably have killed you." The drunk was speechless. In the end, the cops didn't get the guys. The car wasn't registered to them (some girl in Elkins Park). It also wasn't insured. My car (04' sable) is done, and I just put $380.00 into it that Thursday. On top of everything I am going to end up paying the deductible, but at least I know that I have a great neighbor who went out of his way to do something for someone that he hardly knows.

I went out the next day to get him a "Thank you" card and a gift card from Target. I could only put $20.00 on it cause I am so broke. I wish I could have done more for him. He had a wife and a bunch of kids in that house, and I'm sure that he knows (like I know) that anything could have happened.

Well that's it for now. I have a bunch of other stuff to share with you guys. Love life stuff, work, and just hum-drum regular life stuff. TTY tomorrow!


dc_speaks said...

im sooooooooo sorry,dear!


Sheletha said...

um Im sure this is more than just a story that is well written..Although it was Im sure it hurt just to write. Im sorry for you unfortunate events, but Im sure something great is going to come out of this. I can't think of nothing right now, I can say that God is good. Hope that helps.

anonymousnupe said...

We need more neighbors like that! Love thy neighbor!

Sugar said...

Dag! I'm sure you are feeling disgusted, but things will work out. Remember, they always do. Keep your head up.

Keelah said...

Two hundred dollars???!! Hmph! Sorry about this misfortune...and I'm sorry they got away...they'll get theirs tho. They always do!

Khoney330 said...

Nic, I'm so glad you weren't in the car or getting out of the car when it happened. I'm glad you're ok, even if broke.. hate being broke.

Nic said...

@ Mark,
Hey glad you liked it. Always happy to have new readers.

@ DC,
Thanks boo.

@ Sheletha,
Girl you just don't know. The thought of that incident keep me awake at night. I'm just so pissed. My dad said the same thing....that something good might come out of all this. I hope so :)

@ Anonymousnupe,
Yes! Even though the bastards eventually got away, it was comforting to know that there was someone on our side....with some muscle. The funny thing is that I usually don't even speak to him because he is always so quiet. It just so happened that I spoke to him earlier that day. Go figure huh?!

@ Sugarthagirl,
LOL! Disgusted ain't the word.Wait.....YES IT IS!!!!!

@ Keelah,
After they ran, we were all like "Damn.....Shoulda took the money then!!" LOL! Hindsight is 20/20

@ Khoney330,
Yeah, I'm glad no one was really hurt too. I HATE living in the ghetto!!!!! I hope they get theirs.....and soon. Either that or I hit lottery and move on up to "The East Side."


Miss Snarky Pants said...

Thank god the end result was NOT worse. Despite the fact that you're out a vehicle, I'm happy to learn that you're doing okay.

I definitely had a sistah in thought :-)

Nic said...

Awwwwwww, thanks ms. behaving

So glad that I was able to get a rental without coming out of my pocket.