Friday, June 29, 2007
Sittin' at Work......
Yeah they got me. I'm still at the office. My dickhead boss got me all caught up in some "it's Friday, I-know-you-aught-to-be-home-but-I-got-your-ass-anyway" bull shit.
This particular boss is a lazy drunkard. It seems like he can't accomplish the simplest of task on time. I have to call and call and fax and e-mail him over and over just to catch his attention. He constantly talks shit about the people who work for him. Even tries to pit me against them. All that does is make me distrust him. God only knows what he thinks about me. He rarely ever comes to this office. I used to think that he had too much on his plate to get over here. Now I'm thinking hangovers.
Y'all have a blessed weekend.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
1. Why do some people hate cops?
I just don’t understand. I mean, yes, I know that there are some bad cops out there. But there are bad people out there in many different professions. Crooked preachers, who are just out for money. Crazy doctors and nurses, raping people in comas & stopping lives because they feel like it. Teachers sleeping with their underage students. The list goes on and on. Why the negative focus on cops? When your house is broken in to..….who do you call first? .....911. When someone steals your car, what numbers are you dialing?.... 911. When your scared because you don’t have any family, and your dude is going upside your head….who’s attention are you trying to get?....That’s right …..coppers.
Why is it that when I mentioned to my 15 year old g-d child that I had taken the Police Exam she replied,
“Ewww, you gonna’ be a snitching!?”
2. I must have one of those faces.
You know the one that makes people think that I always want to be bothered with them. Now don’t get me wrong, I am a people person, and I do like to help when I can…..but shit! Can I get some personal time? The last time I checked I was not listed as a psychiatrist. I damn sure don’t get paid like one. So why is it that every single day, these people at my job feel the need to talk to me? They’re like kids. 90% of the time they don’t even want anything but my attention. Can I breathe people? It starts as soon as I come in. At this point I have a small team of 7 people working unde/for me. As soon as I come in they bombard me with their needs and wants. I always deal with their issues. Usually with a smile if the occasion/problem isn’t somber. But they start as soon as I come in. And it’s not like I don’t have work to do. I don’t know if it’s because of the positioning of my office……. The fact that I’m young compared to the majority of them. Do they think I have more energy then them? Anyway, instead of bitching about it I will just ignore as many people as I can. No, I won’t neglect my work. I’m just not going to keep breaking my neck for every idiot who feels the need to say “good morning” while I’m pounding the keyboard. Even as I type this someone is in my ear telling me something I don’t really care about.
Somebody please explain…………..WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
"Give them nothing, but take from them - everything"
That ^ is the most famous line from the movie "300". If you haven't seen it, check it out. It’s great! Anyway this post isn't about a movie. It's about guarding your feelings, and protecting yourself against two faced people. Namely, Ex-friends.
Now if you are new to my blog, you probably don’t know about the drama with my ex-best-friend “T”. So here’s the background info. She and I were best friends for around 10 years. Complete opposites, but complementary. She recently trapped a man with a baby, but isn’t actually sure if it’s his, or the random dude she fucked at work. Because “A” (the supposed babies’ father) was all but married to another women, they went through all the ghetto drama you could ever imagine. I stood by her for more then 9 months while they were going through it. And when everything eventually settled, and she was content that she had the man that she wanted, I was basically left out in the cold. When I realized how manipulative she was, I stepped out of the picture completely. Since then, she has made a few attempts to draw me back into her world. But I’m not having it.
This Thursday she called me and asked me to come outside so that I could see her and the baby (her aunt lives next-door to me). I came, but I didn’t really have any rap for her. She’s put on a lot of weight in her mid section. I think she’s preggers again. LOL!
Seeing the baby again was cool, but I felt like he was just another cute little kid, not my god-son. It was weird. "T" and I spoke for a while, but it wasn’t anything of substance. Just - who shot who, and how is the family? We never used to have a hard time communicating. She tried to get into my personal life, but my armor was air tight. She asked me about who I was seeing, and how my mother was. What was up with my sister, and if I had plans for the weekend, & what was up at the job. I managed to dodge all of her questions, without seeming bitchy (or at least I think so) LOL! She mentioned how nice my ring was TWICE! I guess she wanted to know who I was dealing with, who gave me the ring, and if I was engaged. Every time she bought it up I would just say “Thanks” and change the subject. She had a little something on her ring finger also, but I didn’t comment on it.
I entertained her as she told me that her son was “bad”. I just gave back little responses like “oh really”, “why”, & “how did that happen?” (my guess would be continued bad parenting on her side). Mostly I was just absorbing everything. Most of all the fact that she looked like crap.When her babies’ father came over, I was actually happier to see him then her. We talked about school and his two jobs. After he left, I said my goodbyes. I told her that I would call to chat the next day. I think we both knew that wasn’t going to happen.
She trapped a man with a baby. She’s not sure who the father is. She screwed me over, after 10 years. I can never trust her again. So from now until forever, I will be polite. I will visit with her child as long as she lets me. But I will never again give her anything of myself. That aught to teach her that you can’t just play around with peoples feelings.
Everything positive that comes with me – stays with me. Give them nothing, but take from them – everything!
Question: Anyone else go through anything similar to this?
Friday, June 22, 2007
Paternity Becoming a Non-Issue?
Is paternity going to become a non issue soon? Will anyone care who fathered who in the upcoming years? With the growing number of babies’ daddies/mama’s, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. It seem like every time I turn around someone is being dragged into court, with orders to submit to a paternity test. It’s all over the news (Anna Nicole Smith &Maury). In the tabloids, (Eddie Murphy & Mel B). And of course, on the block. It seems like as soon as a woman gets pregnant, there’s someone questioning if she’s been faithful.
There are two cases that I want to discuss here in this post.
1. Y’all know that I’m still sleeping with my ex right? Well he has two children. Identical twin boys to be exact. They are two of the sweetest, most adorable (when they want to be) boys that you’d ever want to meet. The thing is …………..I don’t think that they are his. My reasons for feeling this way are as followed
a. From what he’s told me, the dates don’t really add up.
b. They don’t look anything like him.
c. Two dark skinned people with dark skinned parents and darker grandparents don’t usually make light-bright children.
d. She’s the skankiest, most opportunistic whore I’ve ever encountered.
Now, he’s loved & taken care of those boys since they came into the world, but there was a time when he was considering a paternity test. Somehow between the months where she denied all access to the boys & when she had completely abandoned them, it got put on the back burner. He’s a nice guy. I think that after years of taking care of the boys, he just grew to love them so much that he couldn’t bare the thought of them NOT being his. Now it’s not even an issue. While we were together, I didn’t say anything on the subject. It wasn’t really my place, and also I knew (with my big mouth) that once the flood gates opened there would be no closing it. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings in any way, or make him feel like he’d been taken advantage of. Recently though, since we’ve been in this “open-buddy” thing I asked him.
“If you found out that the boys weren’t yours, would that change anything?”
He said “No”.
I don’t know what to think. I mean it’s cool that he’s the type of person that would still take care of someone else’s kids. But honestly I think that he’s a sucker for it. Judge me if you want to. I don’t care. Something’s got to give. At the very least I would want/need to see that skeevy bitch of a B.M. put in her place. That gutter whore has been acting like the world owes her something for too long. Just cause she knows how to lay on her back. Pshaw! I can pat my head and rub my tummy at the same time……..where the fuck are my riches?
2. A girlfriend from high-school just had a bombshell dropped on her. After getting into a small argument with her man over a text message in his phone (from a girl) he said……
“‘Baby girl’ isn’t even mine anyway.”
Now this is where the story gets kind of iffy to me, because well honestly, who can you trust anymore. Anyway according to her, HIS step-mother purchased an in-home/send out paternity kit. They took it without my friends’ knowledge or consent. The results showed that he wasn’t the father. He took the testing March, and he sat on the results.
You’d think she’d be humiliated right, but no. She just told him,
“Sorry, I thought you WERE her father. I would’ve told you if I’d known differently.”
After confronting the “other man”, he admitted to putting a hole in the condom for the express purpose of getting her knocked up.
In the end the little girl just ends up with two daddies….for now. The original dude took a step back for a second, but couldn’t stay away long. She is currently on good terms with everyone, except for the step-mother who bought the test.
The way things are going, people will be able to buy paternity test kits at their local Wal-Mart or Target (for you well to-do folks).This is a huge step away from the days where women were stoned to death for just the suspicion of screwing the “next man”.
It just seems like nobody cares anymore. What do you think?
Have a great weekend everyone.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Crushin' On This Him Since............
I've been crushin' on Mos Def since forever. Why don't they play more of his music on the airwaves? I know he's not classically handsome or anything, but he's so talented, charismatic, and driven. The thing that really gets me though, is his uniqueness. Anyone out there have a crush on someone who isn't "the norm"? Tell me about it.
P.S. Press play to listen to "Brown Sugar". It was at the very end of the movie Brown Sugar. The beat is so smooth. There is no visual to the above youtube clip. Just a picture of my man. Enjoy, but not to much ladies.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Keeping Busy, and Out Of Trouble!
Hey! I managed to stay strong this weekend. I didn't give in to the lures of my "cut-buddy", and that was a challenge cause you know 'it' be calling me. LOL! I had to resist though. If I'd given in and allowed him to get my "chi" I wouldn't have had any energy to take my exam, or do any of the other things I needed to do this weekend.
Here's the rundown.
Friday after work, I went home and did a little cleaning in my room. It's still a pig-sty due to all of the crap that my mother piled in there in my absence. (I swear she could open up an entire store with all the pocketbooks and shoes she's collected.) I talked to Papi, for a little while. He mentioned that his partner from work was going to be taking the exam as well. Argh! one more person I have to compete with. So I immediately went on the attack.
Me: "Tell him he might as well stay home."
Him laughing: "Haha, don't start that bully stuff Nic. Nobody's scared of you."
Me: "I don't think he's officer material....lacks discipline, and what is he...5'4"? Plus, from what you tell me, he's a lazy whore. What kind of back-up is he gonna provide? "
Him laughing: "You're crazy!"
Me: "All I'm saying is, he shouldn't waste his time."
Nic's all about eliminating the competition.
After that I fell asleep. I think I was too excited about the exam.
Saturday, I woke up around 6:30am. Damn I love weekends. You can just float along at your own pace. I sat around in bed, imagining everything that could possibly be on the test. Thinking back to the areas I studied in the study guide. I got up around 7:15am and went to my favorite breakfast spot. I got a to-go platter of hot beef sausage, scrambled eggs with cheese home fries w/ onions, toast with butter and jelly, and orange juice. Came back home, climbed the 40 stairs it takes to get to my bedroom, and pigged out. I can't even explain how content I was at that moment. I knew that my test wasn't until 1:30pm, so I just took my time eating and watching cartoons. (Yes I still watch cartoons every now and then. Don't judge me :) ) Just enjoying my morning, and waiting for that "itis" to kick in. See my plan was; to fill myself up with food early in the day. Take a long nap and wake up with enough time to get dressed. The last thing I wanted was to be sitting in the classroom tired and hungry.
I got up around 12:00pm. Got in the shower threw on some clothes and left the house. I guess you could say my attire was GAP casual. Nothing special, just some khaki's and a white blouse. I'm taking the time to let you all know this because, I need to mention something. I try not to be judgemental, but I couldn't help but notice that some of the women that came out to take the test were dressed like straight whores. Now I'm not the authority on fashion, and I know that it was just an exam, not an interview, but DAMN! I wish I would have taken a picture. Titties and ass!!!!. Now in all fairness it was only a small hand full of girls that chose to dress this way, but still. I mean really it was like they got dressed to apply for the job of a Maury Povich "Sexy Decoy". Have some self respect ladies. Anyway the wait in the line wasn't long at all. It was actually quite pleasant. There was this fine ass dude in front of me. I passed the time in line looking at him and wondering just why the hell I had on that fake wedding ring again?????
They let us into the building and sectioned us off. I'm praying that Mr. Sexy in front of me will be taken to another group so that I can concentrate on the darn test, but nooooo! He gets seated near me, and I'm forced to smell his cologne while the administrators go over the rules. Ladies......I don't know what he had on, but the whole time I was like one of those girls in the "AXE" commercials. You know the ones where the girl is so overcome by the sexy scent she's forced to say,
"Owww! Bom Chika Wah Wah!"
There were about 45 other people in our particular classroom. The people that were administering the exam were slow as hell. And they had the air conditioner set somewhere between
"F**k ya'll!" & "Don't like it?....kill yourself!"
Once the test started I was in the zone. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. They gave us 45 minutes to study a booklet, and then 2 hours to take the actual test. I think I did pretty good, but we'll see.
When it was over; I called my mother & walked to my car/sauna. I got back home in about 10 minutes and called Papi. I wanted to see what time his lil' punk ass partner took the exam.
Him: "Ha! that fool didn't even go."
Me: "That was a waste of $35 bucks." (Referring to the application fee)
Him: "He said he pulled up next to a police officer, and he decided that he didn't want to do that with his life anymore"
Me agitated: "Well did he get hassled or something?"
Him: "Naw..."
Me: "He's a lazy, indecisive, punk! Told ya' he wasn't force material."
I love it when I'm right!
The rest of the weekend was boring, so I won't get into the blah blah details. Hope you all had great weekends though.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
Awwww Tuesday...
Tuesday was such a nice day.
Work was really nothing special…as usual. But everything else that day was great. Remember the two guys that helped me move, Jason and Eric? Well Jason, whom I’ve known for about 3 years, is getting engaged. Yay! His girl is wonderful, and even though I’ve only met her once, I’ve been rooting for them since forever. Anyway, he’s decided to propose this Saturday, after they go skydiving somewhere in PA. He purchased a ring from a store on Jewelers row. It’s in the center city area, close to my job. Unfortunately, because he works out in the boondocks and doesn’t get off of work until late, he’d have a hard time getting to the store to pick it up. So he arranged for Eric to pick it up (he’s not driving, but he lives close to the store). Eric then brought it to my job around lunch time. And it was my job to take it to Jason later, around 6:30 – 7:00pm. He’s 29 years old, and even though I’m no expert on what makes a great marriage, I think they’re ready. I was just really happy to see that he was willing to go through with it. He has put so much planning onto this. The ring is well, eh….cute. Definitely not my style, and the diamond is flawed. But what matters most is what it represents. I’m just gushing because I’m so proud of him. And very happy for them even though I probably won’t be invited to the wedding, but that’s another story.
At around 3:00pm I left work, got in my car and started to head home. I called my mothers cell to see if there was anything that she wanted. She was at the Social Security building, and very upset because they had messed up her check. She was screaming that now all of the checks she wrote would be bad because she didn’t have the money in the bank to cover it, like she thought. It’s always friggin’ something with my mother. But this time I didn’t stress it. I just got off the phone with her and headed to the MAC machine to get some money for her.
When I got home she wasn’t there. I headed to the kitchen to stash the money, and what did I see ?????? A letter ……for me, from the City of Philadelphia Personnel Department. Yay! Inside there was a letter that said I was scheduled to take the Police Officer Recruit Exam June 16th 2007. I’m so happy to have received this. This is like my step #1 to get into the Police Academy. Yes, I know it’s going to be a long wait between the time when I take the test, and when I hear something from them. But I really don’t care. I want this bad! I’m so happy I put my new address on the application all those months ago. That letter totally makes up for the suck-ass Jury duty notice I picked up at the apartment. That fucker came on light pink paper with all red lettering. I think it’s their little way of getting my attention since I "forgot" to report last time.
Anyway, I’m home. I chill for a little while. Take a short nap. And around 5:30pm get up to take a shower. I get dressed…again, grab the ring and head out to Jason’s house to drop it off. He’s only 10 minutes from my mothers house. We chat for a little while he takes the ring out to inspect it. I can’t really tell anything from his facial expression. But I guess everything’s cool with it because he doesn’t complain. After about 5 minutes I excuse myself, and head on up to see my buddy. Yeah, ya'll didn’t think I was doing all that extra shit to drop off a ring did ya! It takes me another 20 minutes to get there. I walk up the stairs through the door, and up the next set of stairs. All the lights are off, but he’s left the television on in his bedroom. I can hear the water running in the bathroom down the hall. He calls my name from the shower. I don’t answer. He calls again, and I tell him I’ll be in the bedroom waiting. So I’m in there watching COPS happy about how the days going. He comes in and turns the channel. This starts an argument, which turns into a play fight, which leads to a tickle fight. And that ain't nothing but me laughing hysterically. He stops to let me catch my breath. With that opening, I jump on his back and try to choke him from behind. That prooves to be pointless, cause he just stands up and throws me on the bed. He's 6'5" to my 5'5", so nothing I do is really affecting him. I tell him,
"You know this shit is going to stop when I get my piece, right?".
He says
"What are you talking about?"
I get up and show him my letter. And tell him when I get out on the streets, he better watch out. This just starts another fight. I love to wrestle. Afterwards he tells me he's happy for me and he hopes I do well. Even gives me a hug. Awwww. He turns to Mtv Movie awards and we start watching that. Why…I don’t know. Anyway, he starts taking off my clothes. Laying there, he tells me how nice I look in my purple panty and bra set. I thought he was going to rip his towel off right there and then. But instead, he asks me where would I like to get rubbed first. My feet or my body. I hold up a foot and he starts to rub. Oh my god. this man knows my body. He gives the best massages. He (oh my gosh I’m getting relaxed in that special way just thinking about it) started with my left foot and rubbed for a little less then ½ an hour. He did the same with the right. Then he turned me onto my stomach and started rubbing my legs. Ya’ll know this man kept rubbing for another hour. I was so relaxed. It was just what I needed.
He never was a slouch as far as giving massages was concerned, and he’s had like 4 ½ years to perfect this skill. He knows my body so well. He kissed me all over. Gave me some oral delight and when I was all relaxed and unsuspecting, he grabbed a magnum XL and "took it" ! And I loved it! Damn, damn, damn! I loved every second! Afterwards we lay in the darkness. I couldnt really sleep so I told him to
"Rest-up while I take a shower."
I just can't sleep (even for 1/2 an hour) all sweaty and sticky. Sorry, just not that type of girl. Anyway came back in the room like gang-busters. Had to grab another condom, and jump on the dick. It's too good. I couldn't leave without 'one for the road'. Afterwards,.... Yes damn-it! I did get in the shower again. Got dressed while he was laying on the bed. He said that there was some spaghetti in the kitchen. Ya'll remember the first time I ate spaghetti in his apartment? Thought I was going to die! Well since then I've actually become a big fan of his spaghetti. Go figure! I made him a plate and grabbed a Gatorade from the refrigerator. That N**** was acting real tired or something. Anyway I rapped up a plate for myself, said my goodbyes, and hit the road. Got home in 15 minutes cause there was no traffic. When I got in the house, my mom was still up. I asked her if she wanted some spaghetti, but she said "no" . Shiiit! more for me then. It was so good. I went right to sleep after that.
See, there was nothing that unusual going on. I didn't win the lottery or anything like that. I was just happy to have everything flowing in the right direction. For once!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Text Messaging While Tired.
Okay. So I was all ready to get some yesterday.
I had been exchanging text messages with my smut-buddy all morning.
Start 8:00am
Me: Papi r u up? I’m so horny. I need some today.
Him: Goodmorning mami.
Me: Goodmorning papi.
Him: How’s work?
Me: F*** the small talk. I need that clit massage.
Him: Okay, you comin ova later
Me: Yep!
End 8:04am
Well I told ya’ll that I’ve been busy moving for the past 4-5 days right. I guess the combination of that, sleeping on a different bed & sitting for 9 hours at work caught up to me. Because by 3:00pm I was hurting. I MEAN I WAS HURTINGGGG!!!!!!!!!!
I was so tired, and sore, and stiff, and irritable. There was no way I would’ve been able to make it to his place. Sex was now out of the question.
I was in so much pain, I was snapping at people on the job. I went home and threw on some pajamas so fastttttt! I was in that piece, running around with my eyes half closed like “Speedy Gonzales”. I know my mom was looking like,
“Why is this girl walking around my house like a crack head?”
It was because I was so tired, and in so much agonizing pain I felt like if I stopped moving, I wouldn’t be able to start moving again. My body was on auto pilot/fast-forward. Like, have you ever been driving, only to realize that you don’t remember making the turns, and crossing the lights that got you where you were. Or…(and this one always makes me laugh) Have you ever seen someone get hit so hard that after they fall to the ground they get right back up? They do that lil’ drunk walk or give some incoherent speech. But they don’t keep their asses on the ground, where they’re supposed to be. LOL! Yeah that was me yesterday.
I knew that I was supposed to see him at 6:00pm, so I called to cancel around 3:45pm. This fool didn’t feel the need to answer the phone, so I didn’t feel the need to leave a message. I wasn’t trying to be bitchy or anything, I was just so dead tired at that point. I don’t think I was thinking straight. I climb the stairs and fall on my bed.
An hour later I wake up with a text message on my phone.
4:31pm Him: Countdown 2 the cream.
4:54pm Me: Can’t c u 2nite
4:54pm Him: Y not.
4:57pm Me: I tried to call u earlier. I’m 2 tired/sore 2 get dressed n 2 drive up there n back. Also I don’t feel like stopping for condoms or gas.
5:18pm Him: I got condoms
6:03pm Me: Damn you could ask if I’m okay.
6:12pm Me again and pissed: Damn if it aint about getting head u ain’t interested huh? That’s cool.
(At this time I can't sleep, so I get up to wash my hair and take a shower)
8:14pm Him: Nic, I do care but all day u made it about sex so that’s what tip I was on. I’m sorry if I hurt ur feelns.
(This is where I really started to let my sleepiness get the best of me. Acting like it’s more then just sex is a big no-no for us. But in my defense I was half asleep)
8:20pm Me: Ur right. I was on it all day. So didn’t it concern you a little when I said I couldn’t come through. Did it cross ur mind 2 say anything besides “I got condoms”?
8:26pm Me again: My bad. I was tired and frustrated. But I’m good now.
8:31pm Me, still trippin’: It just kind’a made you look like an insensitive jerk. Papi even jump-offs have feelings.
8:32pm Him: I apologize
8:54pm Him: What u doin
8:58pm Me: Just left the apartment. On my way to Wendy’s . I had the phone in my hand to text you. What’s up?
9:01pm Him: Chillin
9:07pm Me the real me. LOL!: Oh, I’m sorry bout today too. But I’ve been packing and moving since Wednesday. I think sitting all day at work is what put me in so much pain.
9:10pm Him: That’s ok. I wish I could’ve made it better.
Awww! Yeah I guess I was trippin’. It happens. I told ya'll I wasn't perfect. Glad I got it together……eventually. Just thought I’d keep ya’ll updated on ma backslidin’ and general ranting. JMW, I guess this could go under the category of me making an ass out of myself. I hope you got at least a chuckle out of this. Sorry about the text message form of this post. If it bothered anyone don't stress. I don't plan to have any other post like this.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Don't Be Mad!
The reason I haven’t been posting is because I’ve been busy packing & moving. Remember a while back, when I wrote that I would be moving in with my mother, to help her out for a little while? Well moving day came, and I was forced to put in some major work. BOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Last month when I told my friend Jason that I would be moving, he offered to help. He also said that he would bring his best-friend/brother Eric. Bet! I was so glad to have that help. Jason is a true friend. He knew that I was trying to save money and that I didn’t really have a lot of money to waste on professional movers. All he asked is that I provide some refreshments; water, juice and chips. I said “sure!” and I told him I would get lunch and take them out for dinner when we were done. I figured that it would be a lot cheaper then the $500.00 I woulda’ had to pay the professionals. The plan was to get started at around 1:00pm. I picked up Eric first and then went to pick up Jason. We didn’t really get started until 2:30pm. They got all of the big stuff, and helped me with most of the smaller boxes. I had a lot of stuff. I never new how hard moving could be. Why the hell didn’t ya’ll warn me?
I put a lot of clothes and shoes in the “Planet Aid” box. I tried to get rid of as much as I could, but we still filled up the entire 10x10 storage space. I can’t believe I had that much stuff. There were four other tenants in the building that I was in. Everyone was so nice while I was living there, and they were even nicer to me while I was leaving. The lady across the hall from me “Boo” volunteered he nephews and sons to help me. The Super came to help the guys with the big stuff. The kids were keeping an eye on the U-Haul truck while we were upstairs. Everything went smoothly, except for a few dropped boxes.
The only things that I’ve taken to my mothers’ "Sanford and Son" house so far are; half of my clothes, some shoes, and some toiletries. The day I moved out, she turned my room into one big closet for her crap. That’s cool with me because I don’t even want too get to comfortable. I just want to stay long enough to help her get on her feet. Emotionally, physically & financially. We finished at around 7:30pm
This move will make things a lot easier for me. I was wasting gas/money driving back and forth from her house to my apartment to check on her. And constantly worrying that she would lose her house was stressing me out. I’ll be able to help her out with money now.
As far as the actual move…….We had so much fun except for when Jason found my PA driver’s license (the picture sucks). Before I could get it back, he threw it to Eric. They had a big laugh at my expense. Eric even held me down while Jason took a picture of it with his cell phone. He informed me the now, everytimr I call his cell...that picture will come up. Uggh! I hate guys sometimes. LOL! Just kidding. Seriously though, I had a really fun time. We talked, and laughed at each other all day and night. We went to Red Lobster for dinner. Had a piss-poor waitress, but the food was good. I was driving, so I didn’t get to drink like those two : (
The bill only came up to $80.00. Yay!!! Afterwards, they kept thanking me for lunch and dinner, like they hadn’t just put in hours of strenuous work. They’re both really good guys. I can’t even explain how grateful I am for their help.
Looking at my mostly empty apartment, I wanted to cry. It just feels like the vacation is over. Time to go back to my second full time job….Taking care of my mother. It was a beautiful apartment (to me). And I had some of the nicest neighbors ever.
The building manager is a girl named Yolanda. She’s about my age. She saw me Sunday while I was dragging stuff to my car. We talked about why I was moving, and I told her ,
“It’ll probably take me a few more days to get the rest of my stuff out. I’ll stop by the office when I’m done to pay for this week, since we’re already into June.”
She told me not to worry about it ;) Yay! More money saved.