Monday, June 18, 2007

Keeping Busy, and Out Of Trouble!

Hey! I managed to stay strong this weekend. I didn't give in to the lures of my "cut-buddy", and that was a challenge cause you know 'it' be calling me. LOL! I had to resist though. If I'd given in and allowed him to get my "chi" I wouldn't have had any energy to take my exam, or do any of the other things I needed to do this weekend.

Here's the rundown.

Friday after work, I went home and did a little cleaning in my room. It's still a pig-sty due to all of the crap that my mother piled in there in my absence. (I swear she could open up an entire store with all the pocketbooks and shoes she's collected.) I talked to Papi, for a little while. He mentioned that his partner from work was going to be taking the exam as well. Argh! one more person I have to compete with. So I immediately went on the attack.

Me: "Tell him he might as well stay home."

Him laughing: "Haha, don't start that bully stuff Nic. Nobody's scared of you."

Me: "I don't think he's officer material....lacks discipline, and what is he...5'4"? Plus, from what you tell me, he's a lazy whore. What kind of back-up is he gonna provide? "

Him laughing: "You're crazy!"

Me: "All I'm saying is, he shouldn't waste his time."

Nic's all about eliminating the competition.

After that I fell asleep. I think I was too excited about the exam.
Saturday, I woke up around 6:30am. Damn I love weekends. You can just float along at your own pace. I sat around in bed, imagining everything that could possibly be on the test. Thinking back to the areas I studied in the study guide. I got up around 7:15am and went to my favorite breakfast spot. I got a to-go platter of hot beef sausage, scrambled eggs with cheese home fries w/ onions, toast with butter and jelly, and orange juice. Came back home, climbed the 40 stairs it takes to get to my bedroom, and pigged out. I can't even explain how content I was at that moment. I knew that my test wasn't until 1:30pm, so I just took my time eating and watching cartoons. (Yes I still watch cartoons every now and then. Don't judge me :) ) Just enjoying my morning, and waiting for that "itis" to kick in. See my plan was; to fill myself up with food early in the day. Take a long nap and wake up with enough time to get dressed. The last thing I wanted was to be sitting in the classroom tired and hungry.

I got up around 12:00pm. Got in the shower threw on some clothes and left the house. I guess you could say my attire was GAP casual. Nothing special, just some khaki's and a white blouse. I'm taking the time to let you all know this because, I need to mention something. I try not to be judgemental, but I couldn't help but notice that some of the women that came out to take the test were dressed like straight whores. Now I'm not the authority on fashion, and I know that it was just an exam, not an interview, but DAMN! I wish I would have taken a picture. Titties and ass!!!!. Now in all fairness it was only a small hand full of girls that chose to dress this way, but still. I mean really it was like they got dressed to apply for the job of a Maury Povich "Sexy Decoy". Have some self respect ladies. Anyway the wait in the line wasn't long at all. It was actually quite pleasant. There was this fine ass dude in front of me. I passed the time in line looking at him and wondering just why the hell I had on that fake wedding ring again?????
They let us into the building and sectioned us off. I'm praying that Mr. Sexy in front of me will be taken to another group so that I can concentrate on the darn test, but nooooo! He gets seated near me, and I'm forced to smell his cologne while the administrators go over the rules. Ladies......I don't know what he had on, but the whole time I was like one of those girls in the "AXE" commercials. You know the ones where the girl is so overcome by the sexy scent she's forced to say,
"Owww! Bom Chika Wah Wah!"
There were about 45 other people in our particular classroom. The people that were administering the exam were slow as hell. And they had the air conditioner set somewhere between
"F**k ya'll!" & "Don't like it?....kill yourself!"

Once the test started I was in the zone. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. They gave us 45 minutes to study a booklet, and then 2 hours to take the actual test. I think I did pretty good, but we'll see.
When it was over; I called my mother & walked to my car/sauna. I got back home in about 10 minutes and called Papi. I wanted to see what time his lil' punk ass partner took the exam.

Him: "Ha! that fool didn't even go."

Me: "That was a waste of $35 bucks." (Referring to the application fee)

Him: "He said he pulled up next to a police officer, and he decided that he didn't want to do that with his life anymore"

Me agitated: "Well did he get hassled or something?"

Him: "Naw..."

Me: "He's a lazy, indecisive, punk! Told ya' he wasn't force material."

I love it when I'm right!

The rest of the weekend was boring, so I won't get into the blah blah details. Hope you all had great weekends though.



dc_speaks said... are a trip. all cocky about being right. shame shame shame.

have a great day lady.

peace, son!

dc_speaks said... wasnt a video it was an audio clip ma'am.

Nic said...

@ DC,
Ohh, now I don't feel too left out. Thanks!

chokkklitsoul said...

LMAO!!! at the update!!! gul you is crazy as a betsy bug!!! I am sure you did well on the test and I am cracking up at you being happy about being right!!! It feels great doesnt it???

dc_speaks said...

i did that dave post with you JMW and my lady in mind...check it out again

Sugar said...

"There was this fine ass dude in front of me. I passed the time in line looking at him and wondering just why the hell I had on that fake wedding ring again?????"

I told you about that ring didn't I!? lol You should have slipped that sucka off and pinched him right on his booty! lol I'm kidding!! I'm sure you did well on the test! Officer Nic!

Ray said...

Wow that was one weekend durr...