Monday, June 4, 2007

Don't Be Mad!

The reason I haven’t been posting is because I’ve been busy packing & moving. Remember a while back, when I wrote that I would be moving in with my mother, to help her out for a little while? Well moving day came, and I was forced to put in some major work. BOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Last month when I told my friend Jason that I would be moving, he offered to help. He also said that he would bring his best-friend/brother Eric. Bet! I was so glad to have that help. Jason is a true friend. He knew that I was trying to save money and that I didn’t really have a lot of money to waste on professional movers. All he asked is that I provide some refreshments; water, juice and chips. I said “sure!” and I told him I would get lunch and take them out for dinner when we were done. I figured that it would be a lot cheaper then the $500.00 I woulda’ had to pay the professionals. The plan was to get started at around 1:00pm. I picked up Eric first and then went to pick up Jason. We didn’t really get started until 2:30pm. They got all of the big stuff, and helped me with most of the smaller boxes. I had a lot of stuff. I never new how hard moving could be. Why the hell didn’t ya’ll warn me?

I put a lot of clothes and shoes in the “Planet Aid” box. I tried to get rid of as much as I could, but we still filled up the entire 10x10 storage space. I can’t believe I had that much stuff. There were four other tenants in the building that I was in. Everyone was so nice while I was living there, and they were even nicer to me while I was leaving. The lady across the hall from me “Boo” volunteered he nephews and sons to help me. The Super came to help the guys with the big stuff. The kids were keeping an eye on the U-Haul truck while we were upstairs. Everything went smoothly, except for a few dropped boxes.

The only things that I’ve taken to my mothers’ "Sanford and Son" house so far are; half of my clothes, some shoes, and some toiletries. The day I moved out, she turned my room into one big closet for her crap. That’s cool with me because I don’t even want too get to comfortable. I just want to stay long enough to help her get on her feet. Emotionally, physically & financially. We finished at around 7:30pm

This move will make things a lot easier for me. I was wasting gas/money driving back and forth from her house to my apartment to check on her. And constantly worrying that she would lose her house was stressing me out. I’ll be able to help her out with money now.

As far as the actual move…….We had so much fun except for when Jason found my PA driver’s license (the picture sucks). Before I could get it back, he threw it to Eric. They had a big laugh at my expense. Eric even held me down while Jason took a picture of it with his cell phone. He informed me the now, everytimr I call his cell...that picture will come up. Uggh! I hate guys sometimes. LOL! Just kidding. Seriously though, I had a really fun time. We talked, and laughed at each other all day and night. We went to Red Lobster for dinner. Had a piss-poor waitress, but the food was good. I was driving, so I didn’t get to drink like those two : (

The bill only came up to $80.00. Yay!!! Afterwards, they kept thanking me for lunch and dinner, like they hadn’t just put in hours of strenuous work. They’re both really good guys. I can’t even explain how grateful I am for their help.

Looking at my mostly empty apartment, I wanted to cry. It just feels like the vacation is over. Time to go back to my second full time job….Taking care of my mother. It was a beautiful apartment (to me). And I had some of the nicest neighbors ever.

The building manager is a girl named Yolanda. She’s about my age. She saw me Sunday while I was dragging stuff to my car. We talked about why I was moving, and I told her ,
“It’ll probably take me a few more days to get the rest of my stuff out. I’ll stop by the office when I’m done to pay for this week, since we’re already into June.”
She told me not to worry about it ;) Yay! More money saved.



JustMeWriting said...'re too much; what a wonderful person and daughter...this story did my heart glad. It's so much better to give then receive and God is blessing you ALREADY... lol having the friends to help and not having to pay for that last week. Man, He makes room for His and I hope you know that. Your mother is blessed to have you as her child.

I'm just mad I couldn't laugh at this story...DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN. LOL.

Nic said...

@ jmw,
Yeah, she actually gave me until the 15th of the month. You're 100% right though. God did definately bless me. The only thing now is I am so sore and stiff. I called "G" (my smut- buddy). He's going to help me stretch out tonight!


Unknown said...

Wow, you have a nice apt manager! Moving sucks, but it sounds like a really nice thing you're doing to help your mom out.

Your friends sound like a lot of fun, lol!

dc_speaks said...

I wish you the best of luck. It sounds like the move was done with nothing but true intentions and for that I'm sure God will bless you abundantly.

take care young lady, and Go CAVS!!!

Nic said...

@ black mamba,
Yeah, she was cool as s***. She actually lived on the 1st floor of the building. Her sister was across the hall from me. And I think that super was related to them somehow also. It was just one big happy family there. But they never made me feel like an outsider. I'm going to miss them.

@ DC,
Aww thanks.
L'ingOL at how you slipped the Cav's in there.
You ain't slick ;)