Wednesday, June 27, 2007


1. Why do some people hate cops?

I just don’t understand. I mean, yes, I know that there are some bad cops out there. But there are bad people out there in many different professions. Crooked preachers, who are just out for money. Crazy doctors and nurses, raping people in comas & stopping lives because they feel like it. Teachers sleeping with their underage students. The list goes on and on. Why the negative focus on cops? When your house is broken in to..….who do you call first? .....911. When someone steals your car, what numbers are you dialing?.... 911. When your scared because you don’t have any family, and your dude is going upside your head….who’s attention are you trying to get?....That’s right …..coppers.
Why is it that when I mentioned to my 15 year old g-d child that I had taken the Police Exam she replied,
“Ewww, you gonna’ be a snitching!?”

2. I must have one of those faces.

You know the one that makes people think that I always want to be bothered with them. Now don’t get me wrong, I am a people person, and I do like to help when I can…..but shit! Can I get some personal time? The last time I checked I was not listed as a psychiatrist. I damn sure don’t get paid like one. So why is it that every single day, these people at my job feel the need to talk to me? They’re like kids. 90% of the time they don’t even want anything but my attention. Can I breathe people? It starts as soon as I come in. At this point I have a small team of 7 people working unde/for me. As soon as I come in they bombard me with their needs and wants. I always deal with their issues. Usually with a smile if the occasion/problem isn’t somber. But they start as soon as I come in. And it’s not like I don’t have work to do. I don’t know if it’s because of the positioning of my office……. The fact that I’m young compared to the majority of them. Do they think I have more energy then them? Anyway, instead of bitching about it I will just ignore as many people as I can. No, I won’t neglect my work. I’m just not going to keep breaking my neck for every idiot who feels the need to say “good morning” while I’m pounding the keyboard. Even as I type this someone is in my ear telling me something I don’t really care about.

Somebody please explain…………..WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!



dc_speaks said...

your rants aren't really rants. but they are pretty entertaining. I wish you well on the police exams..if thats what you want to do, then im all for it.

secondly, if you are an authority figure in your office, they are supposed to come to you...why wouldn't they? and if you are constantly feeding their emotional needs and wants, then you have set a standard and given them the green light to do so. you may be enabling them with your helping them in the first place. deal with their issues and get rid of them...ok?

now breathe and have a great day , lil

Miz JJ said...

The justice system is unfair to AA in the US so I think people just see the first line of defence (cops) as the worst part instead of law officials who make up ridiculous laws like three strikes. Your god child watches too much BET. That entire Stop Snitching stuff is ridiculous. The only people you are helping by not snitching are the very same people making our communities dangerous.

*Tanyetta* said...

this was a great post!!!!!

you know you have that kinda face that's why they keep coming back. :)

JustMeWriting said...

LOL... girl, I'm on the phone, but I'll be BACK to HANDLE this...LOL.

dc_speaks said...

lol@T....stop playin on my phone!!!!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

LOL @ "I must have one of them faces--you know the one that makes people think that I always want to be bothered with them"


I was just complaining about that myself on DC & Lo's (WTF Wednesdays).

Girl Kudos to you for taking the Police Exam.

JustMeWriting said...

I'm back shuga-pie...I'm NOT going to even TOUCH the cop issue...but if you want an answer...BECAUSE I'M A PANTHER...THAT'S WHY I HATE THEM, but you're right about them being ONE of the first I'd call...LOL (dat's crazy) and i'm sure I'd NOT even be nice to, "yeah, copper's get cha arse here and help me" LOL.

You know how people are...sometimes they just feel like they need to kiss up to the boss.

Ms.Honey said...

First time by..found you through Mistress...I'll be stopping by more often :)

Hmm I think the reason why I detest some of them is becuase they abuse power...then again who doesn't they are humans just like everyone else.

Nic said...

@ DC,
Thanks for the clarification bruh….LOL! I’m glad I was able to entertain you. Thanks for the well wishes. As for the second part of your comment, the majority of the people that I am speaking about don’t even work under me. They’re not even in my department! They just won’t leave me alone.

@ miz jj,
You made a good point. Thanks for breaking that down for me. But damn! I wish people would write to their local congress-men or something!?! :)
Thanks again.

@ tanyetta,
Hey lady. I’m glad you liked it.

@ ms. Behaving.
Shoot…I’m happy to see that I’m not alone. I will pray for the both of us : ) Thanks for the kudos also.

@ JMW,
You are so silly. I am going to cut and paste this comment for the JMW post later. Glad you see my point though, about them being the first to be called.

@ honey-libra.
Hey thanks for stopping by, & please do come by more often. I’m always happy to have visitors.